Congratulations Wojciech!
Congratulations for Wojciech, 665452 for passing his ADC Enjoy your new rating!
Congratulations Grzegorz!
Congratulations for Grzegorz, 672473 for passing his ADC Enjoy your new rating!
Hello, World!
Another one in a series s of surprises the NEW IVAO POLAND WEBSITE. After many years, we decided to create a new, functional website for our division. The website is […]
Congratulations Igor!
Congratulations for Igor, 669304 for passing his ADC Enjoy your new rating!
Special Operations
We are very happy about increasing populatiry of special operation on IVAO.However, we would like to remind you that you must respect IVAO SO procedures. In order to reserve airspace […]
Voice ATIS!
In order to provide the highest level of realism we introduce Voice ATIS which is obligatory while being online as ATC. You must include runway condition codes. For anyone interested, […]